Relevant Documents and Publications

  • Identifying and overcoming challenges in fruit production aimed to mitigate the impact of climate change. 31 of March 2016A. Approval business proposal. Confidential document until the evaluation is completed.

  • East Africa Trade Hub (EATH) – 2009-2014. Final evaluation report 10/2015.

  • Mission Report Forage production to increase dairy and meat productivity/ Agricultural Growth Program-Livestock Market Development (AGP-LMD) CNFA October 1 st , 2013

  • Integrated Initiatives for Economic Growth in Mali (IICEM) Performance Evaluation. 10/2013 - USAID/MALI.

  • Prioritization of agriculture sub-sectors, standards and certifications that would result in additional exports of Ukrainian agriculture products to the EU as well as other markets. Regional Economic Growth (REG) Project. 11/2014

  • PowerPoint Performance evaluation report of the Partnership for Economic Growth (PEG) Programme in Somalia. 4/2014

  • Performance evaluation of the 2010 National Wheat Seed Distribution through the Afghanistan Vouchers for Increased Production in Agriculture (AVIPA) Plus Cooperative Agreement No. DFD-A- 00-08- 00304-00, Modification # 11- 07/2011

  • Evaluation report for alternative development program (ADP) southern region by USAID in the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan April 2011

  • Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. United Nations Development Programme. National Agriculture for Poverty Reduction Programme. (Sept 2009 – August 2014)

  • Improvement of efficiency for selected Jamaica MSMEs and farmers through education on coffee grain quality production using selected practices. 5/1-27/2014. Grant proposal writer for COAGRO.

  • Watershed and on-farm water management for Afghanistan; Pluralistic Agricultural Extension Services (PAESA) in Afghanistan; Access to quality agricultural inputs with effective technical services; Universal no-harm concept. USAID/Afghanistan agriculture strategy desk and literature review. Agriculture Specialist. 3/27-4/16, 2014.

  • IWMP Performance Management Plan. Verification reports. Afghanistan. 9-12/31, 2013

  • Input Supply Advisor. identify the most critical inputs required to cost effectively maximize high value agriculture and agribusiness productivity and design and initiate training for agro dealers on how to use safely these products. Afghanistan. 1/3-30/2013

  • Access to quality agricultural inputs through FarmDepot with effective technical services to increase agricultural farmers’ productivity, to protect the environment, and to produce safer food. Concept paper June 9, 2010

  • Three-year work plan for the MAIL/Horticulture Cooperative Development Program -HCDP with 41 training modules scheduled for the next 2 years. Mail internal document/Public domain. December 2010.

  • Sanchez, Herman. Quick response small grants. Twenty-two documents presented to the Army Brigade. Example on-hand: Agricultural Export Project Sulaimanyiah Province. $496,000 Implementation dates: May 2008- June 2009.

  • Williams, Russ and Herman A. Sanchez. Business proposal: "Proposal by Qara Fruit Group to participate in the USAID project on the growing, cooling, sorting/grading and packing of pomegranates in Northern Iraq.

  • Williams Russel and Herman A. Sanchez. Pomegranate Marketing Plan - Market segment: health foods ("superfruit") fresh and juice. July 2008

  • Sanchez, Herman A. and Reid Lohr. Kirkuk Province Strategic plan by the Economic Development Task Force. Iraq. 2008

  • Sanchez, Herman A. and Indu Chandra Ram. RTI/PRT Conceptual map - Pluralistic Provincial Extension Service - Ag Development 06/10/2007. PRT/Brigade document.

  • SANCHEZ, G.A., J.A. Blandon, D. Salgado. 1999. Evaluation of 34 project operators (OCEs) of the Agro-forestry and socio-environmental program. MARENA/Nicaragua. Inter American Bank of Development.

  • SANCHEZ, G.A., J.A. Blandon, D. Salgado. 1999. Development of a systematized program using institutional capacity as main parameters to evaluate project operators (OCEs) of the Agro-forestry and socio-environmental program. MARENA/Nicaragua. Inter-American Development Bank.

  • SANCHEZ, G.A. 1999. Statistical analysis on Canadian provinces using personal income an unincorporated business in millions of dollars adjusted at annual rates. BG Products document. 39 pages.

  • SANCHEZ, G.A., and P. Oñoro., 1998. Base Line Study on the agricultural and socio-economic conditions of Morrito region, Rio San Juan, Nicaragua. CENADE document No. 162. 62 pages.

  • SANCHEZ, G.A. et al. 1998. Agricultural detailed implementation plan for the "Food security and sustainable agriculture project, Face I." CARE/Nic Document. 92 pages.

  • SANCHEZ, G.A., et al. 1988. Final report. Strengthening of the agricultural economy of Entre Rios small farmers using agroforestry practices for their food security. CENADE document. 33 pages.

  • SANCHEZ, G.A., and P. Oñoro. 1998. Base-line study for the "Food security and sustainable agriculture project, Face I." CARE/Nic Document.108 pages.

  • SANCHEZ, G.A. and J.A. Blandon. 1997. Agronomic characterization of field crops in Nicaragua managed by small farmers. MAGFOR. 64 pages  SANCHEZ, G.A. 1997. PERSUAP / Pesticide use and environmental impact study of agricultural activities carried by the Arroyo project between 1991 and 1976 with USAIS/PL480 funds. 86 pages

  • SANCHEZ, G.A., 1995. Mid-term report. Feasibility study for the agro forestry and socio-environmental program; IDB/MARENA document. 78 pages.

  • SANCHEZ, G.A., 1995. Agricultural sector diagnostics of the San Juan River watershed. 156 pages. SANCHEZ, G. A. 1994. Agroforestry and forestry study for the agro forestry and socio- environmental program. IDB/MARENA document. 177 pages

  • SANCHEZ, G.A., 1994. Biodiversity diagnostics on the Rio San Juan (Nicaragua) watershed. MIDEREM special document. 152 pages.

  • Pekka P., Maraux, F & SANCHEZ, GA. 1993. Transmit ion of solar radiation at the Erythryna poeppigiana canopy. (Walpers) O.F. Cook. Pesquisas Agropecuarias. Brazil 28:167-176.

  • Nygren, P., Ramirez, C. and SANCHEZ, G. A. 1993. Growth of seedlings of five half-sib families of Erythrina poeppigiana to inoculation with selected Bradyrhizobium sp train, pp 278-282. In Westley, S.N. and Powell, M (de) Proceedings of International Conference on Erythrina in the New and old Worlds, CATIE, Turrialba, Costa Rica October 19-23, 1992.

  • SANCHEZ, G.A. 1991. The establishment of forestry incentives in Colombia to increase agricultural output by farmers living at the agricultural frontiers. A final report. 102 pages.

  • SANCHEZ, G. A. Alley cropping as sustainable production system in the conditions of Turrialba, Costa Rica. IUFRO proceedings, Project group P.1.09.00, Montreal, Canada, August 1990.

  • SANCHEZ, GA, 1990. A futuristic outlook of agro forestry research under the new set of political rules in Central America. CATIE, Turrialba. 16 pages.

  • Jon Llap, R. Camacho, E. Viquez; and SANCHEZ, G. A. 1990. Juvenal behavior of families and precedence of Gliricidia sepium in their region of origin. El Chasqui Nº 22, April 1990. Turrialba, Costa Rica pp 7-13.

  • Kass, D.C.L.; Sanchez, J.F.; Ferreira, P.; SANCHEZ, G.A.; Araya, J.F. 1990. Yield stability as indication of sustainability in alley farming systems. Agronomy Abstracts 82. P. 59.

  • SANCHEZ, G.A., 1989. Training manual for field technicians, with cultural practices to increase productivity with the limited resources available for small farmers in Central America. ROCAP/USAID Report No. 37. 92 pages.

  • Jimenez, M., Kass, D., Sanchez, J.F., SANCHEZ, G.A. 1988. Results of five consecutive years of production of maize and beans under alley cropping on a Typic Humitropep, fine halioysitic, isohypertermic in Turrialba, Costa Rica. Agronomy Abstracts
    80. p.57.

  • Sanchez, J.F., SANCHEZ, G.A. 1988 Effects of spacing of Erythrina poeppigiana (Welp) G.F. Cook on maize yield in an alley cropping system. Agronomy abstracts 80, p.62

  • SANCHEZ, G.A., Sanchez, J.F., 1988. Three years of agronomic evaluation of Erythrina berteroana live fences in Turrialba, Costa Rica. Agronomy Abstracts 80. p.61

  • Martinez, H., SANCHEZ, G.A., Kass, M., Jon-Llap, R., SANCHEZ, J.F. 1988. Provenance studies of Gliricidia sepium as a strategy to improve agroforestry systems. Agronomy Abstracts 80. p.58.

  • SANCHEZ, G.A.; Kass, D.; Sanchez, J.F.; Borel, R.; Bonneman, A.; Beer, J. 1988. Shade trees in plantation culture. Agronomy Abstracts 80. p. 62.

  • SANCHEZ, G.A.; L. Payne. 1987. " Survey of the Cultural Practices and Uses of Gliricidia sepium by farmers in Costa Rica." In: Gliricidia sepium (Jack) Walp.: Management and Improvement. Proceedings of a Workshop held in Turrialba, Costa Rica, June 21-27, 1987. Withington, D.; Glover, N.; Brewbaker, J., editors. Nitrogen fixing Tree Association. Special Publication 87-01. p8-13.

  • Rodriguez, Z.; Benavidez, J.E.; Chavez, C.; SANCHEZ, G. 1987. Stabled goat milk production fed with Glyricidia sepium green biomass, Erythrina poeppigiana, and Musa In: G. sepium (Jacq.) Walp.:Management and Improvement. Proceedings Workshop held in Turrialba, Costa Rica, June21-27, 1987. Withington, D.; Glover, N.; Brewbaker, J, editors. Nitrogen Fixing Tree Association. Special publication. 87-01. p8-13

  • NOTE: Listed are some USAID, EU Community, and private companies’ proprietary internal documents.